- 7:30 AM Arrive at FVL to load luggage and instruments
- 7:45 AM Depart for Kettle Moraine LHS, 3399 Division Rd, Jackson, WI 53037
- 8:30 AM Stop at Kwik Trip, Hickory Street Exit in Fond du Lac to pick up two riders, then continue to KMLHS
- 9:30 AM Arrive KMLHS, unload.
- 10:00 AM Announcements
- 10:15 AM Rehearsal Day Begins
- 12:00 PM Bag Lunch
- 12:45 PM Rehearsal
- 5:00 PM Supper
- 6:00 PM Rehearsal
- 9:00 PM Devotion, Snack, Showers
- 10:30 PM Lights out
Saturday, June 29 - 3 Large School Buses
Today the band is going to Lake Mills, WI to march in the Town and Country Days Parade. We also have a performance at Cedar Community.
- 6:30 AM Wake Up, Shower, Eat
- 7:15 AM Change into uniform
- 7:45 AM Buses Arrive at KMLHS, 3399 Division Road, Jackson, WI 53037
- 8:00 AM Depart for Lake Mills, WI
- 9:15 AM Arrive Lake Mills, WI. Line Up for parade is on E Lake Park Place. Spot TBD
- 10:30 AM Town and Country Days Parade Begins. Parade runs north on Main Street. LVW Line Up Spot TBD
- 12:00 PM Depart Lake Mills for KML
- 1:15 PM Change out of uniform, eat lunch - Uniform will be the Seasonal T-Shirt
- 2:30 PM Depart for Cedar Community, 5595 County Rd Z. West Bend, WI 53095.
- 2:45 PM Arrive Cedar Community for a performance.
- 3:00 PM Cedar Community Performance and time to visit with residents
- 4:00 PM Load and depart for KMLHS. Depart time may be sooner, depending on how much time we spend at the retirement community.
- 4:15 PM Arrive and unload at KMLHS. Buses are done for the day.
- 5:00 PM Supper
- 6:00 PM Rehearsal
- 9:00 PM Devotion, Snack, Showers
- 10:30 PM Lights out
Sunday, June 30 - 3 Large School Buses
Today the band is marching the Civic Veterans Parade in Kenosha, WI. After the parade we will attend a drum and bugle corps show in Lisle, Illinois.
- 7:00 AM Wake Up, Shower, Eat
- 8:00 AM Short Rehearsal TBD
- 9:45 AM Buses Arrive KMLHS to load
- 10:00 AM Depart for Kenosha. Line up will be in the area of Pennoyer Park, 3601 7th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140. Exact spot TBD.
- 11:30 AM Arrive Parade Line Up, unload. Drivers go to parade disband area, near Simmons Neighborhood Library, 711 59th Pl, Kenosha, WI 53140.
- 11:45 AM Lunch at warm up site
- 12:15 PM Pre-Parade Warm Up
- 1:00 PM Civic Veterans Parade Begins. LVW Spot in parade TBD.
- 3:00 PM (Time Approximate depending on our position in the parade) Parade Ends
- 3:00 PM Change out of uniform, likely at pick up spot,
- 4:30 PM Depart for Lisle, Illinois Drum and Bugle Corps Show, The Sports Complex at Benedictine University, 5700 College Road, Lisle, IL 60532
- 4:30 PM Supper on the buses en route
- 6:15 PM Arrive Lisle, IL.
- 7:00 PM Cavalcade of Brass Drum Corps show begins.
- 10:30 PM Show ends. Load buses
- 10:45 PM Depart for KMLHS
- 1:00 AM Arrive KMLHS, unload
- 1:45 AM Lights Out
These two days are rehearsal days at KML. Daily schedule TBD by the staff. There are no performances these two days. They will be the final two rehearsal days for LVW for the 2024 season. The daily schedule will be very similar to previous rehearsal days held at FVL and at KML.
LVW will be staying overnight at KML on June 30, July 1, and July 2. On the morning of July 3 they will depart for Door County.
Wednesday, July 3 - 3 Personalized Tours Motorcoaches for the Remainder of the Tour!
LVW will be housed at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church and School, 108 W Maple St, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235. We will be staying there for three days while in Door County.
- 6:00 AM Wake Up, Shower, Eat, Clean Facility
- 7:30 AM Load Buses
- 8:00 AM Depart for Door County!
- 11:30 AM Arrive Fish Creek Public Parking Lot near Peninsula State Park Entrance
- 12:00 PM Eat Lunch
- 1:00 PM Peninsula State Park Activities TBD
- 3:00 PM Load buses and travel to Pelletier’s Restaurant in Fish Creek
- 3:30 PM Arrive Pelletier’s
- 4:00 PM Fish Boil Process Begins
- 5:00 PM LVW Reservation - Fish Boil Meal!
- 6:00 PM LVW Member Free Time in Fish Creek
- 7:00 PM Depart for St. Peter’s Lutheran School, 108 W Maple St, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
- 7:45 PM Arrive St. Peter’s Lutheran School
- 8:00 PM Unload Buses, Move into Housing
- 10:30 PM Lights Out
Thursday, July 4 - Happy Birthday, America!
Today the band will be marching in two parades. After a bit of free time following the Egg Harbor Parade, LVW will return to Sturgeon Bay for an evening of free time and fireworks at Sunset Park.
- 6:15 AM Wake Up, Shower, Eat
- 6:45 AM Change into Uniform
- 7:20 AM Load Truck and Buses
- 7:30 AM Depart for Bailey’s Harbor
- 8:15 AM Arrive at Bailey’s Harbor - Prepare for Parade
- 10:00 AM Bailey’s Harbor Parade Begins
- 11:00 AM Load and Leave ASAP from Bailey’s Harbor for Egg Harbor.
- 11:30 AM Depart for Egg Harbor. Lunch on Buses.
- 12:30 PM Arrive Egg Harbor north end of Church Street for Parade Line Up
- 1:30 PM Egg Harbor Parade Begins
- 3:00 PM Free Time in Egg Harbor - Change on Buses after the parade
- 4:00 PM Depart for St. Peter’s, Sturgeon Bay
- 5:00 PM Arrive St. Peter’s. Prepare for the evening
- 5:45 PM Walk to Sunset Park - a little over a mile
- 6:00 PM Free Time and Supper at Sunset Park. Band will provide money for food.
- 9:00 PM Fireworks begin
- 10:30 PM Return to St. Peter’s
- 11:30 PM Lights Out
Friday, July 5
Today is the final day for LVW 2024! We will be leaving Door County and heading to Bay Beach Amusement Park in Green Bay for one final free day. The LVW Members will have plenty of time to have fun with their friends, have some time to relax before saying goodbye and heading home.
- 7:30 AM Wake Up, Shower, Eat, Clean Facilities
- 9:30 AM Depart for Bay Beach
- 10:30 AM Arrive Bay Beach
- 12:00 PM Lunch will be at the Bay Beach Concessions. LVW will provide money for this meal. We will also be purchasing tickets for the LVW Members. They will each get about 7 tickets. Rides are generally 2, 3, or 4 tickets each. They may purchase extra tickets on their own. Tickets are only $0.25!
- 3:00 PM Load Buses for home
- 3:45 PM Arrive FVL - unload students and luggage
- 4:15 PM Depart
- 5:00 PM Arrive Fond du Lac Kwik Trip - Hickory Street Exit - unload students and luggage
- 6:00 PM Arrive KML - Unload students and luggage, clean buses
To God alone be the Glory!