Please Note - This camp was originally scheduled to end at 4:00 on Sunday, but due to events at FVL we will need to end camp at 2:00 PM.
Camp Location:
Fox Valley Lutheran HS
5300 N Meade Street
Appleton, WI 54913
We will be running a bus from Shoreland LHS, with stops in Milwaukee and Allenton. Here is the schedule:
Saturday, April 14
- 9:45 am Depart SLHS
- 10:15 am Arrive at WISCO (84th St entrance), pick up WISCO students
- 10:55 am Arrive at Allenton Park & Ride, pick up KML students
- 12:50 pm Arrive at FVL for rehearsal
Sunday, April 15
- 2:10 pm Depart FVL
- 4:00 pm Arrive at Allenton Park & Ride
- 4:45 pm Arrive at WISCO
- 5:15 pm Arrive at SLHS
If you will be riding the bus, make sure you indicate on the RSVP form so our driver knows how many students to plan for.
Please RSVP for the camp, even if you are unable to attend April 14-15 but intend to participate in 2018. A link to the RSVP is also located on the LVW homepage.
If you have not yet registered for LVW 2018, please do so BEFORE THE START OF CAMP. The online registration form will include the Emergency Contact/Medical information, as well as the Release from Liability and Indemnification Agreement. Therefore it is mandatory that ALL STUDENTS are pre-registered BEFORE attending their first rehearsal. The online registration form and other important information can be found on our JOIN page.
Here are a few items that you will need to know for the camp:
When you arrive at FVL
Girls can take their overnight gear to the large ensemble room. Girls will be sleeping in the choir room. Boys can take their gear to the auditorium balcony. Instrument cases and other equipment can be lined up in the music hallway. There is a basketball camp at FVL on Saturday, so we will not be able to leave things in the Commons.
Saturday supper and evening snack, as well as Sunday breakfast and lunch will be provided by LVW.
Worship Service
We will be attending the Sunday morning worship service at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Appleton (northeast of FVL. AKA "Freedom"). Please bring along nice clothes for this service. The service begins at 7:30 AM.
What to Bring
You will need to pack an overnight bag with a change of clothes, overnight gear (Sleeping bag/blanket/pillow/air mattress/etc.), personal items (towel, soap/shampoo, deodorant, etc). We will be sleeping overnight at FVL.
For marching rehearsals, you will need to have comfortable shorts or sweats. Please don’t wear “jeans” for marching/visual rehearsals. You will also need a pair of tennis shoes for use on the gym floor.
Don’t forget your instrument! If you will be using an LVW instrument (mellophone, baritone, tuba), you will need to bring your own mouthpiece. Reed players, please make sure you have a few working reeds for the weekend.
Check back to this page occasionally. There may be more updates before the Camp.
LVW 2018 Show Music
LVW show music will be loaded onto the "More . . . Member Students" tab sometime before the camp. This area is password protected. You will receive an email with the password information and instructions when it becomes available.
Please tell your friends about this post, especially if they may be new to LVW. We want excellent attendance at this camp!