Due to recent events and after much discussion, it is with a heavy heart that I announce the LVW 2019 season will be suspended effective immediately.
While there are a number of points that led to this decision, the key factors include:
1) Absence of Executive Director - when I took over as Director of Operations I had a flexible position which I lost in September and could not land a comparable job until now, in Madison.
Due to family, school, and other personal obligations, no LVW member school directors are able to fulfill the Executive Director duties this summer, nor were we able to piece together a few who could share duties. Without an Executive Director who can provide full-time leadership for the substantial duties required to positively influence nearly all aspects of the band, we cannot promise a successful season.
2) With an instructional staff situation similar to last summer, there are certain weeks/weekends where some instructional areas remain unfilled.
Refunds will be issued in the near future. There may be a small withholding due to food and travel expenses already incurred in January and February.
I and the other staff want to extend a huge "Thank You" to Mr. Neujahr for the work he has done behind the scenes to keep things going for many years. He has done more than anyone would ever have expected, and LVW's longevity can only be attributed to his sacrifices and effort. We ask the Lord's blessing on the next chapter in his life!
Last summer, LVW pulled it together; this year the situation is much different. The future of Lutheran Vanguard beyond the 2019 season will need to be evaluated. The member school directors and board of directors will consider what options exist to keep the band a sustainable entity to serve our members and glorify our Lord. God has blessed LVW with over 40 years of musical fellowship and performance ministry, and for that we are most thankful! We have all benefited from our association with LVW, and thank God for those blessings, memories, and opportunities that He has provided.
In Christ,
Brian Braatz
LVW Board of Directors
LVW Member Directors
James Neujahr
Quinten Petersen
Joel Ungemach
James Groth
Dan Hubert