This show will include the River City Rhythm, Colt Cadets, Madison Scouts, Colts, Phantom Regiment, Blue Stars, and the Cavaliers. It begins at 7:30 PM.
Follow the link to this TICKET ORDER FORM to indicate how many tickets you would like to order for The Rotary Music Festival. You can also click the button below.
To sit with the LVW group, you MUST complete this form by Friday, July 16 by midnight! After that time, we will not be able to add tickets for our group, as we will be ordering tickets on Saturday, July 17. You will be on your own to order tickets after that time. We want to ensure that we will be able to get all of our tickets in the same location of the stadium, and the availability of a large section of tickets will not likely be available after that time.
This show is NOT REQUIRED for our LVW Members. We are only doing this a a service and hope that many of our students can attend! There is a section on the form to indicate the LVW Member name so we can track how many of our members are interested. Staff members, directors, volunteers, LVW Alumni, LVW Guests/Relatives, and everyone else can use the same form. There is a checkbox menu to indicate your relationships to LVW.
Please be aware that there are no group ticket discounts offered for this show. We will be ordering tickets in the $20 section. There is also a $5.95 processing fee for each ticket ordered. So, to make it easy, we will charge $26 for each ticket ordered.
You may certainly order more expensive tickets if you wish! The "better seats" range from $30 - $40 per ticket. If you would like those premium seats, you are on your own and cannot use the LVW order form.
We will collect money and distribute the tickets on the night of the show. You can also mail a check, made out to "Lutheran Vanguard of Wisconsin" ahead of time if you wish. Please indicate "DCI Tickets" on the memo. If mailing a check, please make sure that the check arrives at FVL NO LATER than Thursday, August 5. Mail checks to Fox Valley Lutheran HS, C/O James Neujahr, 5300 N Meade Street, Appleton, WI 54913.
If paying the night of the show, it will be best to have the exact amount, as Mr. Neujahr will not be able to make change. You can also pay by check that night if you wish, made out as indicated above.
LVW will have the tickets for the show in our possession. Mr. Neujahr will be near the entrance gate to the stadium starting at 6:30 PM. You will receive your tickets when you pay for them.
LVW will not be arranging transportation to this show. Everyone will be on their own to get to the stadium. It would be a good idea to arrange for a carpool to save on Parking. It is also more fun to travel with your LVW Family Members!
If you have questions contact James Neujahr at [email protected].
For more details about the show, or to order tickets on your own, you can visit the DCI Website.
Please be aware that, in the event of a weather cancellation, LVW and DCI cannot refund your ticket money. If we order tickets for you, you will be responsible for the FULL AMOUNT of tickets ordered.
Cedarburg High School Stadium
W68 N611 Evergreen Blvd.
Cedarburg, WI 53012