What to Bring:
Since this is a rehearsal and performance week, LVW members should remember to pack the following:
Sleeping bag and pillow
Air mattress (optional)
ONE small suitcase (Remember, we are on School Buses for this week)
ONE small carry-on bag for on the bus
All personal items as needed (towel, soap and shampoo, change of clothes, DEODORANT, etc.)
Instruments, music, etc.
Water jugs, sunscreen, sunglasses, comfortable marching shoes, hats, etc.
Enough clothes for 5 days
A Bag Supper is needed for Tuesday evening. All other meals will be provided by LVW.
Emergency Contact Numbers:
Joel Ungemach Mobile Phone - 920-973-3240
Housing Tuesday through Saturday:
Shoreland Lutheran High School
9026 12th Street
Somers, WI 53171
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING ITINERARY IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE based on weather, rehearsal or travel plans, or other unforeseen circumstance.
Tuesday, July 11
Rehearsal Day
Lamers Bus
1:30 PM FVL Members arrive at FVL - Load one Lamers Bus
2:00 PM Lamers Bus departs FVL
Brandt Bus
2:00 PM Load at Manitowoc LHS (Music Entrance)
2:15 PM Depart for Shoreland LHS
3:15 PM Pick up at Target - Grafton
3:45 PM Pick up at Wisconsin LHS - Milwaukee
4:30 PM Arrive Shoreland LHS - Driver can return after dropping off students
5:00 PM LVW members arrive at Shoreland LHS - unload and move into school
5:00 PM Supper - Bag Supper
6:00 PM Rehearsal
10:00 PM Evening announcements, devotion, lights out
Wednesday, July 12
Rehearsal Day
7:30 AM Wake up, shower, eat
8:30 AM Rehearsal
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Rehearsal
5:00 PM Supper
6:00 PM Rehearsal
10:00 PM Evening announcements, Devotion, lights out
Thursday, July 13
Rehearsal Day
Show Day – Fort Atkinson
8:00 AM Wake up, shower, eat
9:00 AM Rehearsal
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Rehearsal
3:00 PM load trucks, Change into halves
3:30 PM Depart for Fort Atkinson HS
5:00 PM Arrive Fort Atkinson HS, eat supper, show prep
7:00 PM Fort Atkinson Show begins (LVW Show Time is 7:22 PM)
9:30 PM Load equipment
10:00 PM Depart for SLHS
11:30 PM Arrive SLHS
12:00 PM Devotion, lights out
Friday, July 14
Rehearsal Day
Show Day – Lighthouse Band Championships and MACBDA Semi-Finals, Racine WI
8:00 AM Wake up, shower, eat
9:00 AM Rehearsal
12:30 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Rehearsal
3:30 PM Load trucks, Change into halves
4:45 PM Supper at SLHS
5:30 PM Depart for Horlick Athletic Field, 1648 N Memorial Dr, Racine, WI 53404
6:00 PM Arrive Horlick Field, show prep
7:00 PM MACBDA Semi-Finals show begins (LVW Show Time is 8:26 PM) - FULL RETREAT
9:30 PM Load equipment
10:30 PM Depart for SLHS
11:00 PM Arrive SLHS
12:00 PM Devotion, lights out
Saturday, July 15
Rehearsal Day
MACBDA Band Championships, Whitewater WI
Return to Homes!
8:00 AM Wake Up, Shower, eat
9:00 AM Rehearsal
1:00 PM Lunch - Also clean school/pack gear
2:30 PM Pack and load all equipment, change into halves (1 Lamers Bus and 1 Brandt Bus)
3:30 PM Depart for Whitewater
5:00 PM Arrive at Perkins Stadium, UW-Whitewater /Eat at show site
7:00 PM MACBDA Finals Show begins! (LVW Performance time TBD by Friday’s results)
10:30 PM Depart for home
FVL will travel home on one Lamers Bus
LPS, KML, WLHS, and MLHS students will ride the Brandt Bus to WLHS, Grafton (Target), and MLHS
11:30 PM Arrive Wisconsin Lutheran HS (330 N Glenview Ave, Milwaukee)
12:00 AM Arrive Target Parking Lot (HWY 60 and 43 in Grafton, WI)
1:00 AM Arrive MLHS (Brandt Bus)
1:00 AM Arrive Fox Valley Lutheran HS (Lamers Bus)
Drop off times are APPROXIMATE! Please have cell phone contact with your LVW members for ETA - Just in Case
Checkout Procedures for Saturday, July 15:
If you are going to be picked up following the Whitewater Field Show, and are not returning on the bus or with your school’s designated transportation, the following procedures MUST be followed:
1. Your parents must pick you up where we are changing out of uniform. For this weekend, that will be on Saturday at Perkins Stadium in Whitewater. Please be aware, if you are picking up your child, you must be there before the band is ready to leave. If you are not there when the band is ready to leave, your child will come with the band.
2. Your parents must check you out with the attendance chaperone from your bus. This must be done with you and your parent present.
3. If your parents are not there when the band is ready to leave, you will come with us. We leave no one behind – EVER!
4. You may not ride home with anyone else other than your parents UNLESS you have a written permission signed by your parents, and UNLESS that written permission is put into our hands. DON’T FORGET THE NOTE AT HOME, because there are NO EXCEPTIONS!
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! We thank our Heavenly Father for a safe and enjoyable LVW 2017 Season!