We'll welcome parents, former parents of LVW, grandparents of LVW, friends of LVW.... any and all ages welcome! Contact Holly Kubek to RSVP your dates/times!!! SUMMER HERE WE COME!!!!!
Then there are a few days Tara will be solo: 6/12, 6/13, 6/18, 6/19 so we will need extra helpers those days. Lunch and Supper, clean up and prep.
Holly will be back on Fridays and weekends, but we'll need help then as well. See monthly schedule for exact locations.
Then the week of 6/26, 6/27, 6/28... we will need helpers then too. We might need a crew in southern WI... as we are heading to southern WI towards the end of that week, exact details to be confirmed yet. 6/29-6/30 Sun Prairie and Oregon area.
Then join us on tour! 7/3-7/6 Chicago and/or Traverse City, and/or 7/6-7/11 Ohio and Nashville, and/or when returning to southern WI 7/11-7/13. We'll need kitchen help during those sections of the tour. Come along for the whole tour or do the part that works for you!
Holly and Tara