Here is the Long-Awaited parade information for Traverse City! Follow this link to a MAP of the two Cherry Festival parades. This link will take you to a full color JPEG MAP of the parade routes. Note that the parade route for the Children’s Parade on Thursday and the Cherry Royale Parade on Saturday are the same. Thursday’s parade simply ends a few blocks earlier than the Saturday parade.
As of this writing, the parade unit numbers of LVW in both parades is not known. LVW marches in the Touchstone Energy Junior Royale Parade on Thursday at 6:15 PM. You will be amazed at the beautiful floats and the number of bands that participate in the two parades in Traverse City. LVW marches in its last parade of the 2012 season, the DTE Energy Cherry Royale Parade at 11:15 AM. Lots of bands, floats, and cheering spectators make this one of the greatest parades you will ever march in!
LVW will also be appearing in two field shows this week. On Wednesday evening, we will be performing in the MACBDA Preliminary Championships in Suttons Bay, Michigan. This show will begin at 6:00 PM, with LVW performing second in the show. Then on Friday, LVW will be in the MACBDA Cherryland Band Classic, which is the championship show for the MACBDA season. This show will begin at 6:30 PM, with LVW most likely appearing second in this show as well.
Following are the schedules for the two shows:
Wednesday 7/11 - MACBDA Semi-Finals @ Suttons Bay HS (500 S. Elm Street; Suttons Bay, MI 49682)
*Placement based on last year's finals
6:00 - Opening Ceremonies w/ Suttons Bay HS Band
6:15 - Class A, Green Beret
6:32 - Open Class, Lutheran Vanguard
6:49 - Open Class, Lighthouse Brigade
7:06 - Break (Concessions!!!)
7:21 - Open Class, SOSP
7:39 - Open Class, Shadow Armada
8:05 - Scores, DM's only
Friday 7/13 - MACBDA Finals @ Thirlby Field in Traverse City (Fourteenth and Pine Streets; Traverse City, MI 49684)
*Placement based on Semi-Finals results
6:30 - Opening Ceremonies
7:00 - Class A, Green Beret
7:17 - Open Class #4
7:34 - Open Class #3
7:51 - Break (More Concessions!)
8:06 - Open Class #2
8:23 - Open Class #1
8:50 - Full Retreat Grand Finale
TICKET PRICES for the shows is as follows:
Wednesday at Suttons Bay - Tickets for this first time event will be $10 and all seating will be general admission.
Friday at Traverse City - Tickets are just $16 for the 50 yard-line and $13 from the 40-10 yard-lines. Children 10 and under are just $11! Children 2 and under are free.
We will have the opportunity for some much deserved free time in Traverse City. On Saturday following the parade, we will have some free time in and around the downtown Traverse City area for an afternoon and evening of fun and cherries at the National Cherry Festival grounds and Downtown Traverse City. Shopping for t-shirts and fudge is a must! The students will be responsible for purchasing their own meal on Saturday night.
What to Bring
1. BAG LUNCH/"BUS FOOD" for Wednesday on the bus. LVW will not be stopping for a meal en-route to Suttons Bay. We WILL have water and Gatorade for purchase on the bus.
2. Sleeping bag and pillow
3. Air mattress (optional)
4. ONE SMALL suitcase and ONE carry-on bag for inside the bus – LABELED WITH NAME, ADDRESS, AND NAME OF SCHOOL. Please - no giant suitcases
5. Movies (DVD) for on the bus to Traverse City and back– Disney movies, Zorro, The Princess Bride, Muppets in Space, you know, the usual (No “R” rated movies accepted – G or PG/PG13 only)!
6. All personal items as needed (towel, soap and shampoo clothes for five days, DEODERANT, etc.)
7. BLACK SHOES AND SOCKS (a few pairs), Black A4 T-SHIRTS (two to several), CLEAN BLACK GLOVES, BLACK SHORTS FOR UNDER THE UNIFORM, GUARD APPAREL, ETC. (Note we have TWO parades and TWO field shows this trip!)
8. Instruments, reeds, oils, etc. – CASES MUST BE LABELED AS INDICATED ABOVE
9. CARRY ON BAG which includes your UNIFORM ITEMS FOR THE WEDNESDAY SHOW. In addition bring your water jug, comfortable marching shoes, hats, etc.
10. Spending money for souvenirs – We will have time to shop in Traverse City at the Cherry Festival Grounds and a very nice “touristy” downtown area. You will be responsible for your own meal on Saturday night.
11. Appropriate CHURCH CLOTHES for Sunday morning.
We will be worshipping at Prince of Peace, our our WELS church located on the outskirts of Traverse City. Many years ago, LVW did some canvassing for Prince of Peace, but have not had the opportunity to worship there. This year, however, because the size of the band is a bit smaller than in past years, we will have that opportunity. We will be attending the 8:30 worship service, which will also be a communion service. The church is very small, and all LVW chaperons/parents may not be able to fit within the sanctuary. Parents who are visiting Traverse City and would like to attend this service may be seated in the fellowship hall as well. LVW's choir will also be participating in this service.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (WELS)
Pastor Jason Hacker
1776 High Lake Road
Traverse City, MI 49696
PH: 231.941.7812